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Winding River

This is a calm river that flows through the territory. Cats like to come here and swim, and it is also another ideal place for training.


  1. Flightstar splashed the water carefully with one paw as she sat by the river. This always soothed her for some strange reason. Hoping that everything was okay back at the clan, she laid down and watched the water flow slowly by.

  2. "Ahh!" Flightstar jumped back, falling into the water. She stood up, the pebbles at the bottom scarping her pads. She looked at Halloweve, scowling but smiling at the same time.

  3. "Of course it is, it's water!" Flightstar laughed and cuffed his ear.
    (Igtg bye)

  4. "Duh!" Flightstar tackled Halloweve in the water, then jumped out to shake the water out of her fur.

  5. Flightstar tumbled over."Hey!" She kicked him off of her, sending him back into the water. Her fur somewhat dry, she started running to camp."Catch me if you can!" She purred loudly, knowing he couldn't since she was one of the fastest cats around.

  6. Fallstorm dipped his head. "Hello Spottedlight, I'm Fallstorm" He meowed, at the same time he was watching for any signs of danger.

    Sharppaw sighed. He wanted to actually go on a patrol! He blinked at Tabbypaw.

  7. Sharppaw closed his eyes and stared at Tabbypaw's catch. "Okay..." HE mewoed out loud, then thought, SHOW OFF!
