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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Spottedlight, Fogpelt, Moonfeather, and Honeykit.

Flightstar zipped up the Skytree, her fur dripping."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Skytree for a clan meeting!" She yowled. How ever this ceremony was taking place in the middle of the day. The sun glimmered down upon four new cats."We have three new warriors! Please welcome Moonfeather, Fogpelt, and Moonfeather!" She purred with amusement as the two she-cats practically drooled over her friend, and the tom kept glancing at Fallenstorm."We also have a young kit joining us. Please welcome Honeykit!" She looked down at the small calico she-kit."Honeykit, since we have no queens or elders, I will mostly take care of you unless I am on a patrol." She smiled sweetly at Honeykit."Dismissed!"

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