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Saturday, October 30, 2010


"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Skytree for a clan meeting!" Flightstar clambered up the Skytree, the chilly rain soaking through her fur. "Cats of Jumpclan," Flightstar gazed at her rapidly growing clan."We have a new warrior!" She looked at a grayish brown tabby tom with white paws and chest."Please welcome Rowanstep!" The clan cheered for the tom, but he didn't seem to notice. He was glued to Spiderpaw. Splinterfang nudged him and he looked back at Flightstar. She laughed lightly."The others warriors will show you around. Dismissed!" Flightstar turned and went into her den to get out of the rain, then came back out."Also, Halloweve, I want you to send some border patrols and hunting patrols." She said, then went in for real.


  1. Fallstorm padded to Halloweve, eyes sparked with interest. He stood beside the deputy.

    Sharppaw slowly stood, and he padded to his mentor. He sat down.

  2. Flightstar flicked her ears in the direction of Halloweve's voice and purred.

    Rowanstep nodded." I'll take Fallenstorm and her apprentice Spiderpaw, and Swiftstorm and....." He was about to say another name but remembered only three."Lets go!" He headed into the forest.

    Splinterfang looked around."I'll take Kestralpaw, Fogpelt and Moonfeather." He followed th border patrol into the forest.

    (We'll have to do hunting patrols in the forest until I get pages for each border.)

  3. Moonfeather padded up to Splinterfang.

    Honeykit sighed and mewed, "I wish I could go on partol".
    ~Honeykit (Hoenysong)

  4. "You can when your an apprentice." Flightstar purred at the little kit warmly.

    Other kittehs in forest.

  5. Honeykit just growled and padded to her nest in the den and fell asleep

  6. Kestralpaw bounded up to Splinterfang happily.


    Sparrowpaw watched Kestralpaw from the shadow of the medicine cat's den. There was something familiar about him...but she couldn't quite place it. She shook her ears and returned into the den to sort herbs.


  7. Flightstar laughed quietly at the kits attitude, then curled up to nap herself.

    (Cats in forest)
