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Monday, November 15, 2010

Spotstorm and a warrior ceremonies!

Flightstar treaded onto the large, long branch. It had been a while since the last time she had announced the new arrival of a cat. She breathed in deeply as the whipping wind flung her long fur."Cats of Jumpclan!" She yowled pridefully."Starclan has granted us with the gift of a new warrior!" She gazed down at a handsome white tom with white patches."Please welcome our new warrior, Spotstorm!" Flightstar smiled kindly at the tom. He shuffled his paws, glancing at Spottedlight now and then.

"On other news," She continued when the cheers died down."I think it's time that Tabbypaw and Lionpaw became warriors!" The two fully grown apprentices skidded into the center of the clearing, giddy with excitement."Tabbypaw, step forward." She addressed the young she-cat. The sun shimmered on her beautiful coat."You have worked hard to learn the ways of the warrior code. Do you promise to continue this work, nut with the full responsibility of a true warrior?" Flightstar said, her voice heavy with true seriousness.

Tabbypaw nodded, her head held high."Then until further notice, I give you your warrior name. Tabbypaw, you will now be known as Tabbystripe!" Flightstar annouced and yowled to the sky in approval. The other clan cats did the same. As soon as everyone had finished, Flightstar called for Lionpaw."You have worked hard to learn the ways of the warrior code. Do you promise to continue this work, but with the full responsibility of a true warrior?"Lionpaw nodded, keeping a steady head to look professional."Then until further notice, I give you your warrior name. Lionpaw, you will now be known as Lionlight!" All the cats yowled to the sky, then chanted the names of their new warriors."Tabbystripe! Lionlight! Tabbystripe! Lionlight!"

Flightstar purred warmly."Dismissed!"

Monday, November 8, 2010


Okay Jumpclan. I feel like we aren't nearly active enough, and we need more cats! Could you plese try to come on everyday and advertise on every warrior clan that you can! Please! Or Jumpclan might die! Also, if you are active and get us more active members, I will reward you with a prophecy!