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Saturday, October 30, 2010


"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Skytree for a clan meeting!" Flightstar clambered up the Skytree, the chilly rain soaking through her fur. "Cats of Jumpclan," Flightstar gazed at her rapidly growing clan."We have a new warrior!" She looked at a grayish brown tabby tom with white paws and chest."Please welcome Rowanstep!" The clan cheered for the tom, but he didn't seem to notice. He was glued to Spiderpaw. Splinterfang nudged him and he looked back at Flightstar. She laughed lightly."The others warriors will show you around. Dismissed!" Flightstar turned and went into her den to get out of the rain, then came back out."Also, Halloweve, I want you to send some border patrols and hunting patrols." She said, then went in for real.


Flightstar leaped right from the ground into the Skytree, then stepped onto the long thick branch."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Skytree for a clan meeting!" She purred. This ceremony wasn't going to be nearly as long as the last one."We have a new warrior today!" Flightstar said warmly with a smile as her gaze rested on a beautiful brown tabby."Please welcome Warystrike! I trust the other warriors will show her around?"She glanced at the group of warriors as they nodded. She purred."Good. Meeting dismissed!"

Tons of kittehs!

Flightstar sat on the large branch jutting out from the Skytree."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Skytree for a clan meeting!" She yowled, then looked back to make sure Honeykit was still in her den."We have many new cats joining us! I'm sorta losing my voice," She purred with amusement."So I'll have them introduce themselves. Then I'll give those, who need them, ceremonies." She said. A white she-cat stepped forward."I'm Sparrowpaw, and I'm going to be the medicine cat apprentice." She said steadily, then sat down again. A black she-cat stepped forward."I'm Nightclaw, and I'm going to be a warrior." She said, then sat down like Sparrowpaw. This time a black tom came forward."I'm Swiftstorm, and I'm going to be a warrior." He said and quickly sat down. A dark ginger tom came towards the Skytree.

"I'm Fallstorm, and I'm going to be a warrior." He said and sat down where he was. A brown tabby tom came forward."I'm Kestralpaw, and I'm going to be an apprentice." He said proudly and sat down. A Siamese she-cat came forward."I'm Spiderpaw, and I'm going to be an apprentice." She said sweetly and sat. Kestralpaw and Sparrowpaw exchanged looks, as if they knew each other but didn't at the same time. Then a silvery gray tom stepped forward."I'm Sharppaw, and I'm going to be an apprentice." He mewed and sat down. Flightstar purred."Okay, all new warriors are dismissed." She said, then looked at the apprentices."Sparrowpaw, do you promise to live the life of a medicine cat, and give up having a mate?" Flightstar asked.

Sparrowpaw slowly nodded."Then by the power of Starclan, I make you our medicine cat apprentice. I trust Blackfeather will teach you well." She let the two touch noses."Kestralpaw, step forward." The tom craned his neck to look at Flightstar."Do you promise to train hard and learn the ways of the warrior code?" She asked. He nodded eagerly."Then by the power of Starclan, a make you an apprentice of Jumpclan. Your mentor shall be Splinterfang." She gestured to a brown tabby warrior.

"Spiderpaw, step forward." The Siamese she-cat did as she told."Do you promise train hard and learn the ways of the warrior code?" Spiderpaw nodded and smiled."Then by the power of Starclan, a make you an apprentice of Jumpclan. Your mentor shall be Fallenstorm." Flightstar watched as the two touched noses."Sharppaw, step forward." He stepped up and looked at Flightstar bravely."Do you promise train hard and learn the ways of the warrior code?" Sharppaws face brightened as if he were going to explode. He nodded quickly."Then by the power of Starclan, a make you an apprentice of Jumpclan. Your mentor shall be Halloweve." Flightstar watched warmly as her deputy touched noses with the tom."I trust that is finally all. Dismissed!" She turned and went to take care of Honeykit.

Spottedlight, Fogpelt, Moonfeather, and Honeykit.

Flightstar zipped up the Skytree, her fur dripping."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Skytree for a clan meeting!" She yowled. How ever this ceremony was taking place in the middle of the day. The sun glimmered down upon four new cats."We have three new warriors! Please welcome Moonfeather, Fogpelt, and Moonfeather!" She purred with amusement as the two she-cats practically drooled over her friend, and the tom kept glancing at Fallenstorm."We also have a young kit joining us. Please welcome Honeykit!" She looked down at the small calico she-kit."Honeykit, since we have no queens or elders, I will mostly take care of you unless I am on a patrol." She smiled sweetly at Honeykit."Dismissed!"

Friday, October 29, 2010

Tabbypaw, Lionpaw, and Fallenstorm.

Flightstar came back out of her den."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Skytree for a clan meeting!" She yowled."That would be everyone." She added to herself out of her humor."We have three new joiners! Please welcome Tabbypaw, which will be mentored by Tigertooth." She waited while the two touched noses."Also welcome Lionpaw, who shall be mentored by me." She leaped down to touch noses, then swarmed back up the tree with incredible speed."And now welcoem Fallenstorm, our new warrior." She purred to the white she-cat."Dismissed!" Flightstar came back down to talk to Halloweve.

Halloweve, Blackfeather and Tigertooth.

Flightstar came onto the Skytree. She figured that it was no use to call out the original words yet, due to the lack of cats."Halloweve, you shall be our new deputy." She smiled to a jet black tom, who seemed to gaze at her dreamily."Blackfeather, since you are so good at healing, you will be the medicine cat." Flightstar purred to a black she-cat."And Tigertooth, you will join Splinterfang as a warrior." Her gazed met a ginger tom."You are all dismissed!" She turned around and went into her den.


(I forgot to make a page for this I'll get to it. This is the rest of Skytree and the clearing below where cats can socialize.)

A new beginning

A white she-cat with black patches jumped down from a tall tree with ease. A slight breeze ruffled her fur as the moonlight beat down on her. A brown tabby tom soon jumped after her."Do you like this tree, Flight?" The tom asked his friend."It's perfect." Flight purred."Splinter, would you want to be the deputy?" Flight turned to the tom. Splinter shook his head."No, it's not fair if no other cat even has a chance to join." Flight purred at his honesty."Okay then." She leaped onto the branch of the tree that stuck out farthest."Here is where I shall make the announcements." She bent down to look at Splinter. She then sat up straight, and called out the words she had always wished she would get to say."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the....." She paused and looked at the branch she stood on."Skytree! Gather under the Skytree for a clan meeting!" She finished her sentence with another loud purr."You are now Splinterfang!" She yowled into the night sky for her friend."And I am Flightstar! Leader of," Flight thought again."Jumpclan!"